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Top 6 Most Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Sports injuries are more common than ever but can be prevented. Keep reading for the top 6 most common sports injuries and how to prevent them.

Sports are a great way for people of all ages to build camaraderie, learn teamwork skills, and practice leadership. But of course, there is also some inherent risk involved.

While thousands of children and athletes are treated for sports injuries every year, research indicates that as many as half of these injuries are preventable. 

If you or your child are involved in sports, it’s important to take proper precautions to protect from injuries. Keep reading to learn more about the most common types of sports injuries, and how to prevent them. 

1. Ankle Sprain

Most people, even nonathletes, experience ankle sprains at some point in their lives. These injuries occur when your foot twists and causes ligament tears around your ankle.

Ankle sprains are most common in new athletes, because they have less flexibility. Stretching often will help make your ligaments more limber, and at lower risk for tearing.

2. ACL Injury

An ACL is similar to an ankle sprain, but instead of straining a ligament in your ankle, you injure the ligament in your knee. In severe cases, this ligament can be torn.

In the case of an ACL strain, the athlete will likely require physical therapy. A tear, however, will most likely require surgery.

If you experience an ACL injury that requires extended medical treatment, physical therapy, or surgery you can consider disability loans to help cover costs. 

3. Concussion

A concussion is perhaps the most serious sports injury. It occurs when your brain shakes in your head, which can cause bruising and chemical changes.

A minor concussion will cause a headache, temporary confusion, or dizziness. More serious concussions can cause unconsciousness, slurred speech, and even personality changes. 

4. Shin Splints

Shin splints are an extremely common injury, especially for new athletes. While you may not be familiar with the name, you’ve probably experience sharp pain shooting down the front of your legs after running, especially if you hadn’t run in a while.

To prevent shin splints, try slowing down the pace of your training. Going from no running to running two miles a day can put a big strain on your body. Try starting with a shorter distance, and then gradually building.

5. Groin Pull

Groin pulls happen when the leg muscles near your groin get strained. It’s common in sports that require agility, such as soccer and football.

Stretching before games or practice can help prevent these injuries, as they are more common with tight muscles. Also, make sure to wear clothing that allows you to move freely. 

6. Tennis Elbow

The name of this injury is a little deceiving because it is not exclusive to tennis players. It got its name because it is an inflammation in the elbow and forearm that is caused by overuse, which is common for tennis players.

As with any overuse injury, the best methods of prevention are frequent breaks, stretching, and warm-up exercises. 

Say Goodbye to Preventable Sports Injuries

Using reasonable precautions both on game day and during practice is the best form of protection against sports injuries.

For more up-to-date sports information, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!


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